Marketing | Creative | Strategy

Your faithful partner in the discovery of endless digital opportunity.

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Google Ads

Thanks to their work, we have seen a double digit percentage decrease in the cost of acquisition for new customers and a roughly 40% increase in top line sales. They are experts in the digital space and have provided tremendous value.

Coeur Sports

Metric Driven Advertising

designed to drive YOUR bottom line.

As a Google Premier Partner Agency, we have worked with hundreds of businesses to improve their return on ad spend, lower cost per acquisition, and build overall demand. We know how and when to utilize Google’s internal automation, and how to best supplement with manual changes in platform. It’s no longer good enough to rely on just Google or the advertiser, you need to synchronize both to be successful.

We design and execute Google Ads strategies to allow you to expand your piece of the pie and build upon other advertising platforms. Many agencies can perform well on one advertising channel, but we know how to make them work together to produce outsized results.

Search Based Advertising

Creating and managing efficient search campaigns focused on high intent keywords to drive the best bang for your buck.

Smart Advertising

We leverage the latest Google alphas and betas to stay on the cutting edge and find advertising inventory that most businesses just can’t reach.

Search Remarketing

Determining and mining the effectiveness of second, third, fourth, etc. touch points with users that did not buy the first time. 

Display Remarketing

Engaging visuals can often be the last push users need to complete a purchase or submit their information.

Performance Max Advertising

Is it possible to harness Google's all-in approach to marketing. You bet it is. We employ multiple audience, creative, and technical optimizations to ensure our clients get the most out of Performance Max.

ROAS/CPA Driven Advertising

All campaigns are setup and ultimately only updated based on metric focused methodology, in that, we use objective and numerical data to make decisions which reduces subjectivity and unscalable growth.

1 Research

We know a lot, but we don't know everything. Understanding our clients, their circumstances, their business, and their space is key to the success of our campaigns early on. We make sure we ask all of the necessary questions and do the appropriate research before any ad money is spent. 

2 Create

Once we have a good grasp of your business and the surrounding space, we take that knowledge and build strategic campaigns that are now primed for success. The campaigns are always built with scale in mind and thus allow us to maximize the campaigns that are doing well while giving us the ability to adjust for those that have room to grow. 

3 Optimize

Even with campaigns that exceed our expectations, there is always room for improvement. All campaigns are closely monitored on a regular basis to ensure that they are reaching their maximum potential. Your ads will always have a dedicated Slicedbread team member keeping a close eye on how things are going and areas where they can even be better.

4 Scale

Campaigns can always be refined, adjusted, rebalanced, and generally improved. Once the data comes in, we stay proactive and make changes as needed to keep your campaigns efficient, effective, and fresh. Your Digital Strategist always has your back.

Google Premier Partner

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Analytics Qualified

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Henge Docks

Not very many brands have been able to find success breaking into such crowded markets. There are however always exceptions to that rule and Henge Docks is among them. With a combination of a unique approach and elegant design with their product, they've been able to make their mark clear among the crowd and have yet to see signs of slowing down. We came in to make sure any of those possible signs were squashed.






Decrease in CPA


You have questions. We have answers.

Will you take a look at my account before I get started? 

We would be happy to perform an audit of your account free of charge to see if our services might work for you. We're in the business of building value in any way we can. 

How long are your contracts?

Our contracts have always been and will continue to be month to month. We prove our value each and every month and build long term partnerships that way. 

How does your pricing work?

We offer a la carte pricing for all our services and create packages specific to your business. Our monthly minimums for services start at $1,500 per month.

How much money do I need to spend on ads?

We recommend an absolute minimum of $5,000 per platform. This allows for Facebook and Google algorithms to collect data and optimize properly. Anything under these minimums allows for incomplete modeling, and lower performance. 

Do I own the ads you build or do you keep them?

You will always maintain ownership of all accounts, ads, and materials. We help you set up your accounts and you give us the authorization to run them. They always remain yours. 

Who does the work on my accounts?

All of our accounts are run by full-time employees here at Slicedbread. Each and every employee who works within our accounts is Facebook Blueprint Certified and Google Ads Certified. Your campaigns will never be given to freelancers or anyone who works outside of Slicedbread. 

How does reporting work?

Reporting will vary depending on ad spend and need. At ad spends under $50,000 per month, we generally recommend bi-weekly reporting. At $50,000 per month or more, we recommend weekly reporting as we are able to aggregate data more quickly, which allows for more rapid changes in the account. 

Do you offer creative services?

Yes! We offer creative services!

How do I get started?

Just fill out the form below. We look forward to speaking with you!

Take your marketing to the next level.

See digital advertising in a whole new light.


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Once submitted, a Slicedbread representative will be back in touch with you as soon as possible.

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