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Lighting like you've never seen before


When it comes to advanced lighting, no one knows it better than Luminit. State of the art technology has allowed Luminit to create, control, bend, and transform light in ways never imagined. Through Luminit's technology, light application can be used in ways that positively impact any number of experiences through our daily lives, from the visibility you see driving at night to the clarity of color watching a movie in a theater. 


In 2014, Luminit was in dire need of a website refresh. While many other industry leaders were not necessarily ahead, perception invariably plays an important role in all industries and a website update would put Luminit ahead of the curve. We were tasked in helping Luminit build a fresh look while maintaining a professional image and the convenience of scalability as new content became available.
  • Professional Appeal

    A professional looking website in a highly specialized market is not necessarily synonymous with boring. We helped Luminit build a look-and-feel that captured the attention of other clients in this space while still maintaining a clear clout of professionalism. Clean lines, sharp contrasts, and balanced spacing are principles that can be applied to modern design without compromising any perception. 

  • Pardot-Equipped Forms

    No matter what your business is, tracking is crucial to measure the success of the business. Without proper tracking, we are all flying blind. In Luminit's case, they understood the importance of tracking and took it up another level using Pardot to manage their leads. We helped establish a bridge between their Drupal and Pardot platforms so that they may work side by side and allow Luminit to take advantage of both systems effectively. 

  • Intuitive Content Management System

    Nothing is worse than being handed a website where you feel powerless to make updates yourself. The daunting thought of always needing to contact a developer can seem overwhelming on various fronts. With Luminit's Drupal platform, they have the ability to make easy and quick updates with just a few key strokes and a few clicks, no programming required. For a fast moving business, this is key to ensuring your audience is promptly in the know and this gives them the tools to do that without fear of being handicapped. 

  • Custom Location-Based Map

    Interactivity is always a plus, especially when it comes to visualizing a list of global distributors. Rather than simply spitting out a long list of distributors and their location, we helped employ a map that lets the users quickly find their closest option. No more sifting through an endless page of contacts -- just look at the map and find the closest one near you. 

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