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Potential ‘Boom’ of Voice Search in Shopify

Hi Siri - Ok Google - Hi Alexa, any of these sound familiar? I’m guessing that your answer is yes. As these home assistants expand rapidly and suddenly everybody uses it in some way, either on the phone or in the home, the technology improves as well. It’s even possible to mumble and these artificial intelligence monsters recognize what you said clearly, and in some cases they might even correct you if you said a phrase wrong or your intentions were different.  

If you think that voice search won’t have effect your business, prepare for some statistics:

- 27% of the online global population is using voice search on mobile.

- more than 50% of smartphone users use voice technology in 2020.

 - 30% of all browsing sessions will be result of voice search

  • Half of adults have used voice technology
  • 25% used voice search monthly during the 2018
  • 33% used voice search monthly during the 2019
  • NRP and Edison Research 

- 1 of every 4 American homes owned a smart speaker in 2018

  • Google
  • 62% of those who regularly use a voice-activated speaker say they are likely to buy something through their voice-activated speaker in the next month.
  • A 2018 study from BrightLocal

-  58% of consumers used voice search to find a local business in 2017, and 46% of people using voice search daily are searching for local business.

How should Shopify prepare for this shift?

The boom of voice technology will have a distinct impact on Shopify as well. Great demand will emerge for voice navigating through the website without a need of touching anything. We used to try and get the purchase down to as few clicks as possible, but soon the latest craze will be being able to buy without click at all! Voice entered checkout details and many other features will follow. Many of these mentioned actions are currently impossible to execute with voice and the apps to do it are not available quiet yet. Shopify could solve this with expanding their APIs and they probably will do it in the near future. This will have a positive effect on the Shopify app marketplace because of the onset of a completely new approach in user experience that will bring benefits to the merchant, developers, and Shopify in the end.

How to prepare your Shopify store for voice search?

What we need to have in mind here is that the customer’s voice search works pretty differently than the basic text search. All voice commands are way longer than the text ones. Use of text search makes customers concentrate on 1-3 keywords while voice search needs to be adapted to use of long sentences and mostly in question form. Therefore, voice search algorithms need to extract the right keywords but the content must be adapted to this shift in a following way:

  1. Adapt Product/Collection titles to Voice Search Queries
  2. Use of Schema Markups / Structured Data
  3. Use of Long-Tail Keywords
  4. Use of Question Phrases 
  5. Content needs to Answer Questions 

This could largely affect your store’s SEO rankings as well, so you should take care of these things as soon as possible because ecommerce transactions are already $1.8 billion of the retail segment that is predicted to explode to $40 billion by 2022.

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