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Facebook Ads 101

When it comes to standing out, successful advertising is an key factor to have when owning a business. In today’s digital economy, there are many different ways to advertise, including Facebook. 

Facebook ads are paid messages written in the business’ tone of voice and are created to hit the targeted audiences and attract interest, engagement, and sales. Doing so helps a business earn more profit by enabling more people to learn about their products and services. 

Creating a Facebook ad is much simpler than you think. To start, you need a few essential things: A fully set up Facebook Ads Manager account, multiple images/videos to run, and text copy for your ads. The next step would be to go into your Facebook business manager and click the Create button. It's time to make ads once you set up your campaign and ad sets! 

The different types of Facebook ads: 

Single Image or Video Ad: One image or video or a slideshow with multiple images.

Carousel ad: Showcase up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link.

Collection ad: Group of items that opens into a fullscreen mobile experience.

Instant Experience: A fullscreen experience that opens after someone taps your ad on a mobile device. 

Dynamic Product Ad: Automatically show the right products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app, or elsewhere on the internet.

Launch ads that drive results. Choose images that are relevant to your products or services. Most of the time, people will see your ads at a small size on their smartphone device, so it’s essential to make sure whatever is on the image is visible, such as small details or text.

Although the image you use in an ad is a huge factor in driving results, copyright is just as important. Good copywriting can help persuade your audience to click on your ads and help drive the results you’re looking for. Yes, you want to woo and persuade potential customers but creating a “salesy” looking ad won’t help. If you want your ad to be effective, you must write as though you’re writing to just one person. Your potential customers are seeing hundreds of ads daily, so you want this ad you’re putting out there to really speak to them as if this particular ad was meant just for them-- and them only. 

Another critical factor in an ad is to make sure your copy and your image go together, or you’ll lose potential customers and money. 

Your Facebook business offers many ways to test your ads to see what performs the best. One is an A/B test, where you can test the ad copy, image, or the ad itself. This will show you what gets you the most likes, comments, and conversions. After running all your tests, you’ll know what images and copy ultimately lead to the highest conversion rate. 

Facebook has 1.49 billion members worldwide and 22 billion ad clicks per year. So yes, running Facebook ads can help your business grow tremendously. Unless you’re a well-known brand, organic searches won’t help you much. Facebook ads are also cheap to run, and their targeting capabilities are exceptional. You can pretty much target anyone by age, interest, gender, demographics, etc. It’s a game-changer for business owners!


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